Wreckers and Car Removals in Canberra Australian Capital Territory

Locating a dependable car wrecker who delivers generous compensation for well-maintained pre-owned pieces can represent a difficult work. Furthermore, it can be hard to find a service which can collect the junk vehicle in Canberra whilst offer reasonable compensation for it. On this website, our mission would be to aid you with both buying and disposing of, providing you the help necessary to ease the task.

TOP 10 Car Wreckers in Canberra ACT

  1. 11


    7 Badham St, Dickson ACT 2602

    Auto parts storeClosed now 5 (1)

    For top-notch car parts in this town in Australian Capital Territory, search no more than this nearby company. To inquire about a quote for your old vehicle or a particular used part, just contact them via an in-person visit.

  2. 12
    Toyota Parts

    Toyota Parts

    44 Wollongong St, Fyshwick ACT 2609

    Auto parts storeClosed now 4.3 (4)

    When it comes to high-quality car parts, this nearby business in this city in Australian Capital Territory, has got you covered. Ask about a price estimatation for your old vehicle or a particular used part by contacting them through: website or phone.

  3. 13
    ACT Wreckers

    ACT Wreckers

    83 Gladstone St, Fyshwick ACT 2609

    Auto parts storeClosed now 3.8 (8)

    This dedicated business in this town in Australian Capital Territory, is proud to deliver high-quality vehicle components to their loyal customers. Get in touch with them for a price estimate on your used car or to inquire about a specific second-hand component, by using this contact method: website or phone.

  4. 14
    SL Towing Canberra

    SL Towing Canberra

    Verity Ln, Canberra ACT 2601

    Towing serviceOpen now 5 (5)

    The people of Canberra (Australian Capital Territory) are delivered with an opportunity to a massive inventory of used vehicle spares from this wrecker. Getting in touch with them is easy, as you can contact them taking profit from this way(s): website or phone. They're open from Monday to Sunday.

  5. 15
    Capital Euro Parts

    Capital Euro Parts

    12/25-27 Darling St, Mitchell ACT 2911

    Used auto parts storeClosed now 3.3 (18)

    Obtaining guaranteed second-hand spare parts at this renowned vehicle wrecker in the area of Mitchell (Australian Capital Territory), can help you reduce a significant sum of dollars on repairing your loved automobile. Additional information: The Capital Euro Parts is open from Monday to Friday.

  6. 16
    Phillip Mazda Parts Department

    Phillip Mazda Parts Department

    140B Melrose Dr, Phillip ACT 2606

    Auto parts storeClosed now 4.7 (16) 6 miles

    For superior auto parts in Phillip, search no more than this nearby company. To request a quote for your previously owned vehicle or a particular used part, simply get in touch with them via website or phone.

  7. 17
    TJM Canberra

    TJM Canberra

    26 Pirie St, Fyshwick ACT 2609

    Auto parts storeClosed now 4.3 (64)

    Obtaining warrantied pre-owned parts at this renowned automobile wrecker in the area of Fyshwick (Australian Capital Territory), can help you save a substantial amount of dollars on repairing your beloved car. They work from Monday to Saturday.

  8. 18
    Supercheap Auto Fyshwick

    Supercheap Auto Fyshwick

    23/25 Iron Knob St, Fyshwick ACT 2609

    Auto parts storeClosed now 4.2 (459)

    When it comes to superior vehicle spares, this local recycler in Fyshwick, has you covered. Ask about a price estimatation for your used vehicle or a particular junk spare by reaching out them via: website or phone.

  9. 19
    Ford Spares

    Ford Spares

    42 Maryborough St, Fyshwick ACT 2609

    Auto parts storeClosed now 4.5 (62)

    Residing in the Fyshwick (Australian Capital Territory) neighborhood, this scrap yard provides a vast selection of used vehicle parts. To contact them is simple by: website and phone. They work from Monday to Friday. This vehicle wrecker has been voted 62 times by our visitors.

  10. 20
    Roof Rack City Mitchell

    Roof Rack City Mitchell

    9 Kemble Ct, Mitchell ACT 2911

    Auto parts storeClosed now 4.1 (23)

    This renowned auto wrecker situated in the area of Mitchell, Australian Capital Territory, is an outstanding location to acquire second-hand spare parts that come with a guarantee, which can help you save a considerable sum of dollars on your automobile repairs. More info: The Roof Rack City Mitchell is open from Monday...

Frequently Asked Questions about car wrecker services near Canberra

Which type of vehicle may I sell to a scrapyard?
One can sell all sorts of motor vehicles at a wrecker, including automobiles, pickups, vans, sport utility vehicles, and perhaps motorbikes. This does not matter whether it is running or even not, or if it's got been damaged in an a incident. These businesses usually purchase autos in every condition, and either will reclaim them for their parts or scrap them as metal. Nevertheless, it's usually advisable to contact the scrap yard initially in order to make sure that they accept your vehicle that you own and get a price estimate.
How will I expect if I sell my vehicle to an auto salvage yard in Canberra?
If you decide to sell your automobile to a car wrecker in Canberra, they will assess its value prior to making an offer. If you accept the offer, you'll have to provide details about the car and sign over the ownership to the wrecker. Once the required documentation is finished, the recycler will make arrangements to have the vehicle towed to their facilities. Based on its condition, they will either sell it as is or dismantle it for parts. In either case, you will receive compensation for the vehicle, while the wrecker deals with disposing of any leftover components or scrap metal.
Are Canberra wreckers interested in second-hand autos?
Yes, just like many other Australian wreckers, they acquire used vehicles. These dismantlers are typically keen in buying cars that are no longer usable on the road or in need of major repairs, as they can reclaim valuable parts and recycled metal from them.
When you sell your pre-owned vehicle to a wrecker, you can expect to receive an amount based on its condition, the demand for its pieces, and what scrap metal is currently worth. While the amount you get may be lower than what you would get from selling your car to a private buyer, selling it to one of these businesses is often a trouble-free as well as hassle-free approach to discard a vehicle which is not serving your needs.
Bear in mind that Australian, wreckers may have different policies and requirements when it comes to buying pre-owned cars. Therefore, it's advised that you conduct some research and compare prices to discover a business that meets your needs and provides fair prices.
Which types of car wrecker businesses can I find near Canberra?
Located in this location, you'll discover several types of wrecker services which are accessible to pick from. Among the most common ones include: auto wrecker, towing service and auto parts store.
Keep in mind that not each auto wreckers provide every one of these services. It can be advised that you confirm with the individual wrecker to be able to find out which options they present.

In Canberra and need used spare parts? Here are some options.
One can discover plenty of varied enterprises within the vicinity around this city that you'll be able to purchase excellent second-hand vehicle spares. Here, we are going to showcase a renowned selection that offers offers the top guarantees: Scrap Cars Canberra.
In need of an immediate tow service, who can one call?
Short on time but need a phone ASAP? Our most frequently requested phones have got you covered: Discount Towing Canberra: 0411 259 945.
I am really planning to dispose of the auto in exchange for cash near Canberra, yet I'm unsure about the phone number to reach out to.
In case you want to sell your car for cash, Canberra Car Removal is the first company you should call. They offer competitive prices, and they will take care of everything from start to finish. Contact them today at 01300 338 030.
Judging from feedback, which one is deemed the best local wrecker near Canberra?
Based on our website's users and their ratings, the most highly rated wrecker located in the area of this city has been revealed to be: Canberra Car Removal.