Wreckers and Car Removals in Worrigee New South Wales

Checking out any of the car wreckers in the vicinity of Worrigee is the best way to acquire premium replacement components with warranties. Here on this particular section, you can view a directory that includes all the businesses within the area around this municipality. It is possible to click on one of the listings to view information on how to contact them.

TOP 10 Auto Wreckers in Worrigee NSW

  1. 1
    Wandie Wreckers

    Wandie Wreckers

    2660 Princes Hwy, Wandandian NSW 2540

    Car wreckerClosed now 3.9 (59) 15 miles

    Locals of Wandandian (New South Wales) can browse through an enormous collection of used auto spares at this auto wrecker. In case you require to request a price quote for your used car or a specific second-hand part, getting in touch with them is easy as you can reach out to them via: website, phone and email. More information...

  2. 2
    Supercheap Auto South Nowra

    Supercheap Auto South Nowra

    UNIT 2, BUILDING B Central Ave, South Nowra NSW 2541

    Auto parts storeClosed now 4.3 (505)

    Delivering exceptional vehicle spares to the people of South Nowra, this company is committed to providing their purchasers with the finest service. To get a quote for your used automobile or ask about a specific second-hand component, contact them via: website and phone.

  3. 3
    Burson Auto Parts

    Burson Auto Parts

    10/10 Central Ave, South Nowra NSW 2541

    Auto parts storeClosed now 4.6 (13)

    This popular vehicle wrecker located in the surrounding area of South Nowra, New South Wales, is an superb spot to get second-hand pieces that come with a warranty, which can help you cut down a considerable sum of money on your automobile repairs. The Burson Auto Parts is open Monday to Saturday.

  4. 4
    HG Auto Salvage

    HG Auto Salvage

    117 Industrial Rd, Oak Flats NSW 2529

    Car wreckerClosed now 4.8 (22) 25 miles

    Residing in the Oak Flats (New South Wales) neighborhood, this auto breaker's yard provides a vast selection of pre-owned vehicle parts. They can be easily reached by: phone or website. The HG Auto Salvage is open from Monday to Friday. Also, you may check 22 reviews left by other users.

  5. 5
    Wollongong Auto Parts

    Wollongong Auto Parts

    3/75 Princes Hwy, Albion Park Rail NSW 2527

    Car wreckerClosed now 4.6 (91) 26 miles

    Inhabitants of Albion Park Rail (New South Wales) have access to an vast selection of used auto spares at this automobile wrecker. Getting in touch with them is simple as you can take profit from this way(s) of contact: website or phone. The Wollongong Auto Parts is open Monday to Friday. Other visitors have shared 91...

  6. 6


    2 Hamilton St, Dapto NSW 2530

    Car wreckerClosed now 4.2 (73) 30 miles

    For superior car parts in this town in New South Wales, this business has got you covered. Reach out to them via: website, email or phone to request about a quote on your previously owned vehicle or to inquire about a particular second-hand component.

  7. 7
    Austick Car Removal Wollongong

    Austick Car Removal Wollongong

    281 Princes Hwy, Kembla Grange NSW 2526

    Car wreckerClosed now 4.8 (32) 32 miles

    If you're seeking to cut down on your vehicle repair expenses, contemplate buying guaranteed used spare parts from this renowned vehicle wrecker situated in the vicinity of Kembla Grange, in New South Wales. More info: They work from Monday to Saturday. Additionally, you can check 32 reviews left by our visitors.

  8. 8
    Dapto Pick A Part

    Dapto Pick A Part

    Hamilton St, Dapto NSW 2530

    Used auto parts storeClosed now 4.3 (203) 30 miles

    Living in the Dapto (New South Wales) area, you have access to a broad range of pre-owned auto parts at this scrap yard. Contacting them is easy, you can use this way(s) of contact: website or phone. Additional info: They work from Monday to Saturday.

  9. 9


    1/152 New Lake Entrance Rd, Shellharbour NSW 2529

    Auto parts storeClosed now 4.5 (130) 26 miles

    Inhabitants of Shellharbour (New South Wales) area can check a wide range of pre-owned auto spares at this automobile wrecker. You can contact them through: website or phone. They're open Monday to Sunday. This vehicle wrecker has been rated 130 times by other visitors.

  10. 10
    Autobarn Albion Park

    Autobarn Albion Park

    47 Princes Hwy, Albion Park Rail NSW 2527

    Auto parts storeClosed now 4.5 (180) 26 miles

    The Albion Park Rail (New South Wales) inhabitants have access to an extensive variety of pre-owned vehicle pieces at this automobile wrecker. Getting in touch with them is simple through: website and phone. Additional info: They are open Monday to Sunday. This business has been rated 180 times by previous visitors.

Frequently Asked Questions about auto wrecker services in Worrigee

Need used spare parts in Worrigee? Check out these businesses.
One can discover plenty of different businesses within the vicinity of this metropolis that you'll be able to acquire great used auto spares. Here, we shall feature a well-known selection that provides the finest guarantees: Supercheap Auto South Nowra.
Which types of auto wrecker businesses can I find in Worrigee?
Within this city, there are various types of wrecker services that you can choose from. Among the most frequently used ones include: auto wrecker, auto parts store, towing service, motorcycle parts store, truck repair shop, car repair and maintenance service and auto restoration service.
Note that not each auto wreckers supply every one of these services. It can be suggested that you check with the particular wrecker to find out which services they offer.

Are Worrigee wreckers interested in second-hand cars?
Yes, similar to many other Australian wreckers, they purchase used vehicles. These dismantlers are often keen in purchasing cars that are no more usable on the road or in need of major fixes, as they can retrieve worthy parts and recycled metal from them.
If you decide to sell your second-hand vehicle to a wrecker, you can expect to receive a price determined by its condition, the demand for its parts, and what scrap metal is currently worth. Although the total you receive may be lower than a private buyer would offer, selling it to one of these businesses is often a convenient and stress-free method to discard a vehicle which is not serving your purpose.
It's important to note that in Australia, wreckers may operate under diverse policies and criteria when it comes to purchasing second-hand cars. Therefore, it's recommended that you look into it and explore your options to find a company that meets your needs and offers reasonable valuations.
Why should I get if I trade in my automobile to an auto salvage yard in Worrigee?
When you opt to get rid of your car to a vehicle dismantler in Worrigee, they will evaluate its value prior to making an offer. To accept the proposition, you'll have to provide information about the vehicle and sign over the title to the wrecker. After the required paperwork is finished, the recycler will arrange to have the vehicle transported away their yard. Depending on its condition, they may either attempt to sell it without dismantling or take it apart for pieces. Regardless, you will get compensation for the car, while the wrecker deals with disposing of any leftover parts or metal scraps.
What type of vehicle can I sell to a wrecker?
You may sell all sorts of vehicles at a wrecker, including automobiles, pickups, vans, sport utility vehicles, and even motorcycles. This does not matter if it is functioning or even not, or whether it has already been ruined in a incident. These businesses usually purchase autos in any any state, and either will reclaim them for parts or scrap them as metal. However, it is always a good idea for you to get in touch with the junkyard first in order to make sure they will take the type of auto you have and receive a price quote.
I'd like to know, when was the details for this most recently modified?
The date of the most recent update to this business listing is: 6 April 2023.
Which vehicle wreckers are operating on Saturdays within Worrigee?
Following an thorough examination of our enterprises database, we have acquired this finding: Austick Car Removal Wollongong open from 9 AM to 3 PM.
According to feedback, what is deemed the top local wrecker in Worrigee?
As per the website's visitors and their ratings, the wrecker located in the vicinity of this city has been revealed to be: Wandie Wreckers.