Auto Wreckers & Recyclers in Adelaide South Australia

Seeking out a reliable provider of car pieces that delivers good prices for top-notch pre-owned parts can be a challenging undertaking. Moreover, it can be tough to discover a wrecker that doesn't only takes away your inoperable car in Adelaide, but furthermore provides reasonable payment for it. Fortunately, this page exists to assist you with both purchasing and disposing of, offering the essential help to ensure the whole process is less difficult. We are devoted to ensuring your own simpler while ensuring the fact that you get the very best available support to meet your car requirements.

TOP 10 Adelaide's Auto Wreckers

  1. 11


    579 Grand Jct Rd, Gepps Cross SA 5094

    Car wreckerClosed now 4 (78) 6 miles

    For superior vehicle pieces in this town in South Australia, this business has got you covered. Reach out to them via: email, phone and website to inquire about a quote on your previously owned car or to inquire about a particular second-hand component.

  2. 12
    Just Wrecking Toyota's

    Just Wrecking Toyota's

    150 South Terrace, Wingfield SA 5013

    Car wreckerClosed now 3.9 (197) 6 miles

    Residents of Wingfield (South Australia) have access to an extensive catalog of pre-owned vehicle pieces at this vehicle wrecker. Contacting them is simple as you can take profit from this way(s) of contact: website or phone. More info: They're open Monday to Friday. Other visitors have shared 197 reviews in relation...

  3. 13
    Japco Auto Wholesalers

    Japco Auto Wholesalers

    1-5 Dundee Ave, Holden Hill SA 5088

    Car wreckerClosed now 4.8 (34) 6 miles

    This well-known car wrecker located in the vicinity of Holden Hill, South Australia, is an excellent spot to acquire second-hand spare parts that come with a warranty, which can help you save a considerable amount of money on your car repairs. The Japco Auto Wholesalers is open from Monday to Saturday.

  4. 14


    57 Millers Rd, Wingfield SA 5013

    Car wreckerClosed now 4.3 (4) 7 miles

    Residents of Wingfield (South Australia) neighborhood have access to a broad range of used car parts at this automobile wrecker. You can contact them through: email, phone and website. Additional information: They work from Monday to Saturday. Also, you may check 4 opinions left by our visitors.

  5. 15
    Car Wreckers Adelaide SA

    Car Wreckers Adelaide SA

    2-10 Cormack Rd, Adelaide SA 5013

    Car wreckerClosed now 4.4 (44) 7 miles

    When it comes to high-quality vehicle spares, this local recycler in this city in South Australia, has you covered. Inquire about a quote for your old automobile or a specific used part by contacting them via: website and phone.

  6. 16
    AQ Wreckers Adelaide

    AQ Wreckers Adelaide

    2/155 Manthorpe St, Dry Creek SA 5094

    Car wreckerClosed now 6 miles

    This committed business in this town in South Australia, is happy to offer top-notch vehicle components to their loyal purchasers. Reach out them for a quote on your used automobile or to inquire about a particular second-hand component, by using this contact method: phone.

  7. 17
    Roof Rack City

    Roof Rack City

    37 Gilbert St, Adelaide SA 5000

    Auto parts storeClosed now 4.5 (155)

    If you're seeking to cut down on your vehicle repair expenses, contemplate getting guaranteed second-hand spare parts from this renowned vehicle wrecker located in the surroundings of Adelaide, in South Australia. Additional information: They work from Monday to Saturday. In addition, you may check 155 opinions left...

  8. 18
    SA Auto Accessories

    SA Auto Accessories

    5/16-20 Birmingham St, Mile End South SA 5031

    Auto parts storeClosed now 4.3 (6)

    The Mile End South (South Australia) inhabitants have access to an enormous variety of pre-owned car spares at this car wrecker. Reaching out to them is easy through: website or phone. They work from Monday to Friday. This wrecker has been rated 6 times by previous users.

  9. 19


    262 Gilbert St, Adelaide SA 5000

    Auto parts storeClosed now 4.5 (398)

    Residents of Adelaide (South Australia) are provided with access to an extensive catalog of used vehicle spares at this wrecker. Getting in touch with them is easy, as you can reach out to them taking profit from this method(s): website or phone. They're open from Monday to Friday.

  10. 20
    Allin Towbars

    Allin Towbars

    175 Richmond Rd, Richmond SA 5033

    Auto parts storeClosed now 4.7 (169)

    If you live in the Richmond (South Australia) area, this auto salvage yard provides a massive inventory of second-hand auto parts. To contact them is simple through: email, phone or website. Additional information: They're open from Monday to Saturday. This wrecker has been rated 169 times by other purchasers.

Frequently Asked Questions about vehicle wrecker services near Adelaide

Which vehicle wreckers are available on Saturdays within Adelaide?
Following an thorough analysis of our enterprises repository, we have obtained this finding: Cash Car Wreckers - Cash for Cars Adelaide open from 8 AM to 4 PM, Adelaide Corolla Recyclers open from 9AM to 1PM and Athol Park Wreckers open from 9 AM to 12 PM.
Can you tell me the details for this recently modified?
This business listing was last revised on: 6 April 2023.
Which kind of automobile may I offer to a wrecker?
You may sell any type of autos at a wrecker, including cars, lorries, minivans, SUVs, and even motorcycles. It doesn't matter whether it is actually running or even not really, or if it's got already been damaged in an an crash. These businesses usually purchase autos in every condition, and either will salvage them for their spare parts or scrap them for scrap metal. Nevertheless, it's usually advisable to get in touch with the junkyard first of all in order to ensure that they accept your vehicle that you own and get a cost quote.
Why will I expect if I dispose of my automobile to an auto recycler in Adelaide?
If you decide to get rid of your automobile to a vehicle dismantler in Adelaide, the business will assess its value before making an offer. To accept the offer, you must provide information about the vehicle and sign over the ownership to the wrecker. Once the necessary paperwork is finished, the recycler will arrange to get the car towed to their facilities. Depending on its state, they may either attempt to sell it without dismantling or dismantle it for parts. In either case, you'll receive compensation for the car, while the wrecker deals with disposing of the leftover parts or metal scraps.
Are Adelaide wreckers willing to purchase junk autos?
Yes, just like many other Australian wreckers, they buy second hand cars. These auto wreckers are typically keen in acquiring cars that are no more roadworthy or in need of major fixes, as they can salvage useful parts and scrap metal from them.
When you sell your used car to a wrecker, you'll usually be offered an amount based on its state, the demand for its pieces, and the current market price for scrap metal. While the sum you get may be lower than what you would get from selling your car to a private buyer, selling it to one of these businesses is often a convenient as well as stress-free way to dispose of a vehicle that is not serving your purpose.
It's important to note that Australian, wreckers may have different rules and requirements when it comes to purchasing used cars. As such, it's suggested that you look into it and shop around to discover a company that meets your needs and provides equitable prices.
Which types of vehicle wrecker businesses can I locate in Adelaide?
Within this city, you'll discover numerous types of wrecker services that you can choose from. Among the most popular ones are: auto wrecker, auto parts store, towing service and motorcycle parts store.
Keep in mind that not every auto wreckers offer each of these services. It can be advised that you check with the specific wrecker to determine which ones options they present.

Looking to buy used spare parts in Adelaide? Check out these businesses.
One can discover numerous different companies in the surrounding area of this city in which you'll be able to purchase excellent used car pieces. Here, we will feature a famous choice which offers the finest assurances: Roof Rack City.
Require an immediate towing assistance, what should one dial?
If you're short on time but still need a reliable phone, our most popular options are a great choice: Truckworks: 08 8340 2220.