Car Wreckers & Recyclers in Sunbury Victoria

Discovering a trustworthy car wrecker that provides top-dollar payment in exchange for good condition pre-owned pieces may represent a challenging task. Additionally, it can be difficult to find a service which can collect the inoperable vehicle in Sunbury while provide fair compensation for it. At this website, our goal would be to aid you with both buying and disposing of, providing you the assistance needed to ease the task.

TOP 10 Auto Wreckers in Sunbury VIC

  1. 1
    Viking Motors

    Viking Motors

    34 Slater Parade, Keilor East VIC 3033

    Car wreckerClosed now 4.6 (27) 13 miles

    This wrecker in the vicinity of Keilor East (Victoria) delivers guaranteed used replacement parts that can substantially lessen your car repair expenses. Contact them through: email, phone and website. More information: The Viking Motors is open from Monday to Friday. Other users have left 27 opinions in relation to this...

  2. 2
    Swedish Wreckers

    Swedish Wreckers

    34/36 Slater Parade, East Keilor VIC 3033

    Car wreckerClosed now 4.6 (50) 13 miles

    If you're in need of top-notch auto parts in the neighbourhood of this town in Victoria, search no more than this local company. Whether you require a price estimate for your old automobile or a specific used part, they can assist you via: website, email or phone.

  3. 3
    Ozwide 4x4

    Ozwide 4x4

    10 Reserve Rd, Melton VIC 3337

    Car wreckerClosed now 4.5 (46) 10 miles

    This car wrecker yard in the surrounding area of Melton (Victoria) offers warrantied second-hand replacement parts that can significantly reduce your vehicle repair costs. Contact them through: phone and website. They work from Monday to Saturday. Other users have placed 46 thoughts about this business.

  4. 4
    MMM Auto Centre

    MMM Auto Centre

    18/20 Rushwood Dr, Craigieburn VIC 3064

    Car wreckerClosed now 4.7 (105) 13 miles

    Residents of Craigieburn (Victoria) can check out a massive inventory of used auto spares at this vehicle wrecker. If you need to ask for a price quote for your old vehicle or particular second-hand part, you can reach out to them through: website, email or phone. They're open Monday to Friday. Other users have placed...

  5. 5


    15-21 Fraser St, Airport West VIC 3042

    Car wreckerClosed now 4.7 (47) 14 miles

    By purchasing pre-owned pieces with a warranty from this renowned automobile wrecker in the Airport West area in Victoria, you can greatly diminish your vehicle repair costs. They work from Monday to Friday.

  6. 6
    East Keilor Wreckers

    East Keilor Wreckers

    18 Disney Ave, Keilor East VIC 3033

    Car wreckerClosed now 3.3 (75) 13 miles

    This specialized business in Keilor East, is proud to deliver great quality vehicle components to their nearby visitors. Get in touch with them for a price estimate on your old vehicle or to inquire about a specific used part, by going through this contact method: website, email or phone.

  7. 7
    BJ's Auto Wrecking

    BJ's Auto Wrecking

    8 Bailey Ave, Keilor East VIC 3033

    Car wreckerClosed now 5 (5) 13 miles

    Minimize on your vehicle repair expenses by getting warrantied second-hand replacement parts from this well-known wrecker in the Keilor East in the state of Victoria. They're open from Monday to Friday. In addition, you can check 5 opinions written by other users.

  8. 8
    A. A. A. Wreckers

    A. A. A. Wreckers

    37 Fordson Rd, Campbellfield VIC 3061

    Car wreckerClosed now 4.4 (7) 14 miles

    Residing in the Campbellfield (Victoria) neighborhood, this scrap yard offers a massive inventory of second-hand auto spares. They can be easily reached by: an in-person visit. The A. A. A. Wreckers is open Monday to Friday. This business has been rated 7 times by other users.

  9. 9
    Arara Auto Wreckers

    Arara Auto Wreckers

    1/9 Fordson Rd, Campbellfield VIC 3061

    Car wreckerClosed now 3.8 (73) 14 miles

    By buying pre-owned replacement parts with a warranty from this well-known vehicle wrecker in the Campbellfield area in Victoria, you can significantly reduce your auto repair costs. The Arara Auto Wreckers is open from Monday to Saturday.

  10. 10


    1-3 McIntosh St, Airport West VIC 3042

    Car wreckerClosed now 4.5 (90) 13 miles

    For superior auto parts in this town in Victoria, wrecker has got you covered. Get in touch to them through: phone to inquire about a price estimate on your previously owned auto or to request a specific second-hand component.

Frequently Asked Questions about car wrecker services in Sunbury

What type of car can I offer to a scrapyard?
You may get rid of any kind of cars at a wrecker, including cars, trucks, vans, sport utility vehicles, and perhaps motorbikes. It does not matter whether the vehicle is functioning or not really, or if it has been ruined in a incident. These businesses usually purchase vehicles in any every state, and either will reclaim them for their parts or recycle them as metal. Nevertheless, it's always a good idea for you to contact the scrap yard initially to ensure that they accept your vehicle you have and to obtain a price quote.
I'd like to know, when was the information about this lastly revised?
The most recent revision for this business listing was made on: 6 April 2023.
What car wreckers are open on Saturdays located in Sunbury?
After an thorough review of our companies repository, we have acquired this result: Ozwide 4x4 open from 9AM to 1PM, East Keilor Wreckers open from 9AM to 1PM and Arara Auto Wreckers open from 9 AM to 4 PM.
How authentic is this information?
The way to define a reliable or trustworthy source is to consider relevant situation in which it is used. Typically, an authority in the relevant subject area will acknowledge a source as reliable or credible if it is used in a particular need. Nevertheless, since this can vary according to context, it is crucial utilize a suitable source evaluation technique that matches your particular requirements. Consistently, bear in mind that this notion of reliability is dependent on the specific situation where it will be used.
The information we have for this website comes from authenticated online platforms as well as the organizations included in our database. These companies consistently review their details to guarantee its reliability and up-to-dateness.
Furthermore, our group of experts conducts a hands-on assessment of each update made to our directory. We additionally compare it with the original source to ensure that the data we offer is correct and dependable.

According to feedback, what is regarded as the best local wrecker in Sunbury?
Based on our website's visitors and their ratings, the wrecker in the area of this city is revealed to be: Viking Motors.
Require a prompt tow service, what should I get in touch with?
If you're in a hurry and need a phone number, our most popular options are a convenient choice: Timmy Quick Car Towing: 0421 411 260.
Want to find businesses selling used spare parts in Sunbury?
One can discover plenty of varied companies located in the vicinity around this metropolis that you'll be able to obtain top-notch used vehicle spares. Here, we are going to feature a well-known option which gives the top assurances: Supercheap Auto Water Gardens.
Which types of car wrecker services can I locate near Sunbury?
Located in this city, you can find various types of wrecker services that you can pick from. Among the most popular ones consist of: auto wrecker, auto parts store and towing service.
Note that not all auto wreckers offer every one of these services. It is advised you contact with the individual wrecker to determine which options they offer.