Wreckers & Car Removals in Baldivis Western Australia

Going to a the many vehicle wreckers in the vicinity of Baldivis can be the optimal solution to obtain high-quality replacement pieces with warranties. At this page, you can view a directory of every listed companies located in the region of this location. You are able to choose on any listings to expand contact information.

TOP 10 Car Wreckers in Baldivis WA

  1. 1
    Supercheap Auto Baldivis

    Supercheap Auto Baldivis

    CNR BALDIVIS RD &, Mennock Approach, Baldivis WA 6171

    Auto parts storeClosed now 4.3 (277)

    Residents of Baldivis (Western Australia) are provided with access to a broad range of used car parts at this auto wrecker. Getting in touch with them is easy, as you can reach out to them using this method(s): phone and website. The Supercheap Auto Baldivis is open Monday to Sunday.

  2. 2
    Get Wrecked Rockingham

    Get Wrecked Rockingham

    4 Hurrell Way, Rockingham WA 6168

    Used auto parts storeClosed now 4.1 (69) 6 miles

    It's possible to cut down substantial sums on the repairs of your cherished auto by purchasing second-hand replacement parts with warranty in this renowned in Rockingham, (Western Australia) car wrecker. The Get Wrecked Rockingham is open from Monday to Friday. This business has been voted 69 times by other purchasers...

  3. 3
    Jandakot Motor Co.

    Jandakot Motor Co.

    19 Buckley St, Cockburn Central WA 6164

    Car wreckerClosed now 3.4 (55) 14 miles

    Residents of Cockburn Central (Western Australia) area can check an enormous collection of used car parts at this automobile wrecker. You can get in touch with them via: phone. More info: They work from Monday to Saturday. This vehicle wrecker has been voted 55 times by our purchasers.

  4. 4
    Port Kennedy Auto Parts & Batteries

    Port Kennedy Auto Parts & Batteries

    2/5 Fielden Way, Port Kennedy WA 6172

    Auto parts storeClosed now 4.7 (133)

    If you're seeking to cut down on your auto repair expenses, contemplate buying warrantied second-hand parts from this renowned vehicle wrecker placed in the surroundings of Port Kennedy area, in Western Australia. They work from Monday to Sunday. Other visitors have placed 133 reviews about this business.

  5. 5


    3B McCook St, Forrestdale WA 6112

    Car wreckerClosed now 3.9 (7) 15 miles

    Cut down your vehicle repair costs by purchasing second-hand replacement parts with a warranty from this well-known auto wrecker in Forrestdale, Western Australia. They are open from Monday to Saturday.

  6. 6
    Repco Rockingham

    Repco Rockingham

    15 Enterprise Way, Rockingham WA 6168

    Auto parts storeClosed now 4.3 (160) 6 miles

    For top-quality vehicle pieces in this town in Western Australia, this business has everything you could need. Reach out to them through: website or phone to request about a price estimate on your used vehicle or to inquire about a particular second-hand component.

  7. 7
    Fremantle Wreckers

    Fremantle Wreckers

    49 Crompton Rd, Rockingham WA 6168

    Auto parts storeClosed now 3.8 (100)

    If you're seeking to cut down on your auto repair expenses, think about purchasing warrantied second-hand spare parts from this famous auto wrecker located in the area of Rockingham area, in Western Australia. Additional info: They're open from Monday to Saturday. In addition, you may check 100 thoughts...

  8. 8
    Veale Auto Parts

    Veale Auto Parts

    3/103 Dixon Rd, Rockingham WA 6168

    Auto parts storeClosed now 4.9 (34)

    Residing in Rockingham, Western Australia, you can reduce significant sums of dollars on your vehicle repairs by getting used parts from this famous vehicle wrecker. Additional information: They work from Monday to Saturday. Other customers have shared 34 reviews in relation to this business.

  9. 9
    NAPA Auto Parts Rockingham

    NAPA Auto Parts Rockingham

    Unit 2/11 Carlston Rd, Rockingham WA 6168

    Auto parts storeClosed now 4.5 (58) 6 miles

    If you live in the Rockingham (Western Australia) area, this scrap yard provides a massive inventory of used auto pieces. They can be easily reached via: website and phone. They work from Monday to Saturday. This business has been rated 58 times by our purchasers.

  10. 10
    B Towed PTY LTD

    B Towed PTY LTD

    23 Hurrell Way, Rockingham WA 6168

    Towing serviceOpen now 5 (65) 6 miles

    This dedicated company in Rockingham, is happy to deliver top-notch car parts to their loyal purchasers. Contact them for a quote on your used automobile or to inquire about a specific second-hand component, by going through this contact method: phone.

Frequently Asked Questions about car wrecker services in Baldivis

I am actually wanting to sell my car for cash in Baldivis, yet I'm unsure about which number to get in touch with.
If you are looking to sell your car for money, call 0481 794 410 to acquire an excellent deal. CASH FOR CAR PERTH will be a trustworthy and reputable firm that can make the method easy and stress-free.
In need of a prompt tow truck service, who should I dial?
In need of a quick phone solution? Our top-requested numbers are a safe bet: B Towed PTY LTD: 01300 286 933.
Which car wreckers are operating on Saturdays in Baldivis?
Upon an extensive analysis of our enterprises diretory, we have acquired this outcome: Jandakot Motor Co. open from 10 AM to 12 PM and CASH FOR CAR PERTH open from 7 AM to 6 PM.
Based on customer reviews, which one is deemed the best local wrecker near Baldivis?
As per the website's users and their ratings, the wrecker in the vicinity of this city is revealed to be: Jandakot Motor Co..
Which kind of automobile may I sell to a wrecker?
One may get rid of any type of autos at a wrecker, such as cars, pickups, minivans, SUVs, and perhaps motorcycles. It does not make any difference whether the vehicle is functioning or even not really, or even if it's got been damaged in a accident. These businesses usually buy autos in every state, and will either salvage them for parts or recycle them for metal. Nevertheless, it's always a good idea to get in touch with the wrecker first of all in order to ensure they will take your vehicle you have and get a price quote.
When was the information about this last updated?
The update for this business listing was last made on: 6 April 2023.
Are Baldivis wreckers willing to purchase junk vehicles?
Yes, as with many other Australian wreckers, they purchase used cars. These businesses are typically enthusiastic in acquiring automobiles that are not roadworthy or requiring significant repairs, as they can retrieve worthy pieces and recycled metal from them.
When you sell your pre-owned automobile to a wrecker, you can expect to receive an amount based on its state, the demand for its components, and what scrap metal is currently worth. While the total you get could be less than a private buyer would offer, selling it to one of these businesses can be a easy as well as hassle-free method to dispose of a vehicle which is not serving your requirements.
Bear in mind that in Australia, wreckers may operate under diverse policies and criteria when it comes to purchasing second-hand cars. Therefore, it's suggested that you do some investigation and explore your options to locate a business that suits your requirements and provides fair prices.
How will I experience if I trade in my car to an auto salvage yard in Baldivis?
When you decide to get rid of your automobile to a car wrecker in Baldivis, they will evaluate its value prior to making an offer. If you accept the proposition, you'll have to provide information about the car and transfer the title to the wrecker. After the necessary paperwork is completed, the recycler will arrange to get the vehicle towed away their yard. Depending on its state, they will either sell it as is or dismantle it for spare parts. In either case, you will get compensation for the vehicle, while the wrecker takes care of getting rid of the remaining components or scrap metal.